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Curriculum Update

Curriculum Update

From my seat as the new Director of Curriculum for Spring Lake Public Schools (a role I have valued tremendously), it has been a year full of appreciation and learning: appreciation for all staff who work hard to grow students in their field and learning about the varied opportunities that a Director of Curriculum has to help support our team. Even so, in my first year, accomplishments have come with the help of others. Some highlights:

  • iReady (a system we use to gain data on student reading achievement) shows schoolwide K-8 growth from fall to spring
  • Curriculum reviews for world languages and math - with new math books ordered for every high school math course
  • Both intermediate and middle schools have taken on the work of an organized positive behavior system - "The Laker Way"

As a final note as we head off to summer: reading is an essential part of summer! Camps, being outside and the arts are important, but please be sure to keep reading those books.

What are you reading this summer?