Algebra IA
Algebra IB
Algebra IIA
Algebra IIB
Geometry A
Geometry B
English 9A
English 9A-The Odyssey
English 9B
English 10A
English 10B
American Literature
Advanced Composition
English 12A
English 12B
Advanced Placement English (A)
Advanced Placement English (B)
Advanced Placement English (C)
Lifetime Activities
Cross Training
Advanced Physical Education
Women’s Health and Fitness I
Women’s Health and Fitness II
Women’s Health and Fitness (Health Portion)
Visual Arts
Vocal Music (9-12)
High School Band
Jazz Band
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Spanish 3
Spanish 4
French 1
French 2
French 3-4
Accelerated Math 7
Seventh Grade Math
Eighth Grade Math
Seventh Grade English
Eighth Grade English
Seventh Grade Physical Education
Eighth Grade Physical Education
Seventh Grade Personal Health
Seventh Grade Reproductive Health
Eighth Grade Health
Vocal Music (7-8)
Middle School Band
Fifth Grade Math
Sixth Grade Math
Fifth Grade Physical Education
Sixth Grade Physical Education
Fifth Grade Health
Sixth Grade Health
Music (5-6)
Intermediate Band
STEM (5-6)
Kindergarten Math
First Grade Math
Second Grade Math
Third Grade Math
Fourth Grade Math
Reading, Writing & Phonics
Reading & Writing
Kindergarten Physical Education
First Grade Physical Eduction
Second Grade Physical Eduction
Third Grade Physical Eduction
Fourth Grade Physical Eduction
Kindergarten Health
First Grade Health
Second Grade Health
Third Grade Health
Fourth Grade Health
Music (K-4)
STEM (K-4)
23g MI Kids Back on Track Grant
35j Literacy Grant