To start, please verify your address is within Spring Lake Public Schools’ boundary.
If your resident address is not within the Spring Lake Public Schools' boundary, please review the Non-Resident tab first for more information about Schools of Choice.
We look forward to meeting your family! If you are a resident in the district, or if you have been accepted under the 105/105c Schools of Choice program, please contact the grade level in which your student will attend.
Spring Lake High School / Alternative Education (9 - 12) – 616.846.5505
Spring Lake Middle School (7 - 8) – 616.846.5502
Spring Lake Intermediate School (5 - 6) – 616.846.6845
Holmes Elementary (PreK - 4)– 616.846.5504
Jeffers Elementary (PreK - 4) – 616.846.5503
From there, you will be provided a link to our registration form via email.
The following items must be provided before the enrollment process can be completed:
- Proof of Residence– (First, double check your address with us. You might not be in our district even though the city is Spring Lake.) We will then need two pieces of identification to verify that you live in the school district unless you have been granted Non-Resident status. A sales agreement or utility bills are good examples.
- Transcript of Grades (for High School students)– Please obtain an unofficial copy of a transcript and grades earned to date, if applicable.
- Immunization Records– Current immunization record from your student's physician or health department is required.
- Birth Certificate– A copy of the birth certificate will be required in the enrollment process. Guardianship papers, adoption certificate, or legal name change will need to be proven, if applicable.
- Special Education– If your child has been receiving special education services, a copy of the most recent IEP is essential.
Please contact us at 616-846-5500.
If you live outside of the district and are considering applying for Schools of Choice, Spring Lake participates in both the Section 105 and 105c Schools of Choice state plans and will accept limited enrollment for all grade levels as space allows.
The 2025-2026 Schools of Choice application opens in May 2025.
Please review these considerations and requirements:
- We agree with Michigan lawmakers that siblings should be kept together in a single school district whenever possible. As a result, siblings of current non-resident students may receive preference in filling district openings.
- SLPS is not required to provide transportation for Schools of Choice students under either program. For more information, please visit our Transportation Department page.
- The Michigan High School Athletic Association requires a 60-day waiting period for students in grades 10 – 12 after enrolling in a new district under Schools of Choice before they are eligible to participate in athletics.
- When enrolling a student, you are enrolling into the district; the district will decide school placement in regards to our elementary schools.
Non-resident students residing in districts within the OAISD and the contiguous boundaries of the OAISD (Muskegon, Kent and Allegan ISDs) may apply for enrollment to SLPS under the timeline and guidelines listed on this page.
Please contact us at 616-846-5500.
- Openings in each grade level vary from year-to-year and some grades may not have any available spots.
- If the district receives more applications than openings, a random drawing will take place after the application period has closed.
- Kindergarten applicants are requested to attend Kindergarten screening – date to be determined.
- Parents will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance on our about June 6, 2025. Parents are required to confirm acceptance with SLPS within two weeks of notification.
- Non-accepted students will be placed on a waiting list in the order their names were drawn and notified of openings if a spot should become available, but no later than the first week of school.
- As stated above, siblings of current non-resident students will receive preference if space allows.
- Students who have been suspended within the past two years or have been expelled from any school district may be excluded.
- A written agreement between the resident district and SLPS must be in place for students who receive special education services or programs as to the responsibility of payment for the added cost of required services or programs for the student. Enrollment may be denied if an acceptable agreement cannot be obtained from the resident district.
- 105 and 105c are lottery-oriented systems, not first-come, first-served ones. Only one application may be submitted per student.
- Once a student is accepted, annual re-application is not required.
Begin your enrollment process by completing this 2025-2026 Kindergarten Enrollment Form. Then, you will receive a call or email from Mrs. Karen Teays or Mrs. Nikki Theune about setting up a Kindergarten screening on June 9 or 10.
Throughout the enrollment process, the following documentation will be needed if you would like to start collecting it now:
- Child's Birth Certificate
- Parent/Guardian Driver's License or State Issued ID Card
- Student's Immunization Records - Immunization record must be an official copy signed/stamped by a healthcare provider or the health department.
- Proof of Residency -- Two of the following must be presented:
- Tax Bill
- Mortgage Coupon
- Insurance Statement/Declaration
- Utility Bill
- Signed Purchase Agreement with Occupancy Date or Signed Lease Agreement with Property Owner if renting
- Guardianship - (if applicable) Complete, current legal court documents must be presented at the time of registration
- Health Appraisal Form - A copy of the MDHHS Health Appraisal Form, including an Oral Health Screening and Vision & Hearing Screening, is REQUIRED for all Kindergarten students
You may contact either elementary for more information, but please note this: Spring Lake Public Schools will place the students in the appropriate elementary schools.
Holmes Elementary
Karen Teays at kteays@springlakeschools.org (preferred)
or phone 616-846-5504
Jeffers Elementary
Nikki Theune at ntheune@springlakeschools.org (preferred)
or phone 616-846-5503
If you live outside the SLPS district, please review the Non-Resident tab first for more information about Schools of Choice.
Our PreK program offers spots for families in our community through the GSRP (Great Start Readiness Program, a state-funded preschool).
To enroll in our program your child must be 4 years old by December 1st, 2025.
For questions, please call Mrs. Nikki Theune at 616.846.5503 or Mrs. Karen Teays at 616.846.5504.
Click here for the MI Early Childhood Connect portal.
Want to understand more about the program? Read on.What is it? Great Start Readiness is a state-funded preschool program for children who are 4 years old. This high-quality program encourages the development of children to prepare them for successful entry into Kindergarten using developmentally appropriate practices.
Qualifications? Priority is given to families who reside in the Spring Lake Public Schools district. Children must be 4 year old by December 1 of the current school year with priority given to children with birthdays on or before September 1.
Cost? Free
Locations? Both Holmes and Jeffers Elementary Schools
Times? They are full day sessions, Monday - Thursday, with each school starting at slightly different times
Meals? A nutritious breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack are provided.
Transportation? Available on a needed basis. Please contact our transportation department here.
How to apply? Please complete this MI Early Childhood Connect Form. Then, someone from our offices will contact you to begin enrollment.
Will I need certain documents? Yes, you will need your child's certified birth certificate, a 2023 tax statement as a proof of income, an up-to-date immunization record, and two utility bills showing proof of residency.